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Hello and welcome to my Professional Teaching ePortfolio.

My name is Kathleen Holt.  I have been a member of the Dunsborough community for over 20 years, teaching at both Our Lady of the Cape Catholic Primary School (C.P.S.), in Dunsborough, and Saint Thomas More C.P.S., in Margeret River. 

I was Assistant Principal in R.E. and Administration for three years.  I am currently the Year 5 teacher at Our Lady of the Cape. 

I am the mother of two daughters, aged 9 and 7,  whose development has been a daily source of inspiration and continual learning about the early years of development.

I am also a student at Notre Dame University, studying to achieve my Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education. 

This webpage is designed to organise my evidence as I engage with AITSL’s Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

By embedding a range of resources and evidence throughout this portfolio, I will demonstrate the ways in which I address the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at a Graduate standard.

           Please press on the tabs above KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICE or ENGAGEMENT to read my overview for each domain and then use the drop down menus to click on the link to each standard.


“The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers comprise seven Standards which outline what teachers should know and be able to do. The Standards are interconnected, interdependent and overlapping.

The Standards are grouped into three domains of teaching: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. In practice, teaching draws on aspects of all three domains”

(Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2012).

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