6 Engage in professional learning
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices.
I believe it is vital to be constantly reflecting on and improving in the profession. Personal research, professional learning and self-development are crucial to effective teaching and best practice. I continue to constantly review and reflect on my teaching pedagogy and not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are only lessons to be learned that assist my continual development as a highly effective teacher.
Throughout my Phase and Phase 2 prac I sought and received valuable feedback from both of my mentor teachers.
I meet regularly with my Professional Learning Partner to set and review my AITSL goals and also meet each Semester with the Prinicpal to review my pogrammes and student data and to discuss how I am differentiating student learning in my programmes and lessons. I have viewed all of these moments as opprortunities for growth.
NQS Quality Areas 1