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7   Engage professionally with                         colleagues, parents/carers and the           community

7.3  Engage with the parents/carers

Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.


The EYLF highlights the importance of the assumption that early childhood educators need to work in partnership with families; “When educators establish respectful and caring relationships with children and families, they are able to work together to construct curriculum and learning experiences relevant to children in their local context” (DEEWR, 2009, p.11). 

I have experienced first hand the importance of creating strong relationships with children and their families in the first few weeks of them entering a kindergarten setting.  Creating a classroom environment and curriculum where children are enabled to feel at ease and happy is of critical importance.  So too is planning activities that explore the child’s own identity and family context. Furthermore, gathering details from parents about the children’s individual needs, likes/dislikes and culture is essential.

I have interacted with parents through informal conversations  and communicated via SEQTA text messages, emails and reports, updating them on the progress of their child.  Over the years I have facilitated many parent teacher interviews, ensuring I am always professional, case sensitive and confidential in adddressing any issues raised.  


I understand the importance of parent involvement in the students’ learning experiences and this is why I have developed a blog page where parents can view  their child's learning experiences, work samples,  special awards, announcements and any other important class based information. 

EYLF  1.1, 2.1

NQS Quality Areas 6

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