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2  Know the content and how to teach it

2.6     Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students.

I believe that working with Information and Communication Technology is a necessary skill for students in the twenty-first century.

Throughout my teaching career I have endeavoured to remain up to date in my practical use of ICT in my teaching, using technology such as iPads, computers, IWB facilities, video content, websites and apps to engage and expand learning opportunities for students in my classes.  


Students in my current class of Year 5  have 1:1 laptop computers for literacy and mathematical practice, inquiry research and presentations, ACER online assessment,  One Note access and Teams.  This was extremely beneficial during the period of COVID home learning where I was able to continue my teaching via distribution on One Note and live streaming via Teams where I delivered Maths and Reading sessions to whole class and small differentiation groups.  These sessions were also recorded so childen could access them at anytime.  The conversation application of Teams was also beneficial during this time so students or parents could message me with questions and other parents/ students could join the feed.


In my class I utilise such webites and apps as Reading Eggspress (to differentiate my reading and spelling programmes), Soundwaves (to tailor words and acivities for different spelling levels within my class), Mathletics (to set differentiated tasks for students in Numeracy), Reflect (to monitor student wellbeing), Champion Life (to set physical challenges/brainbreaks) and Clickview (to access educational content for students).  I am highliy competent in using Microsoft suite, creating Powerpoint presentations, Excel documents for data collection and comparison and activities using Word.


EYLF  1.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.5

NQS Quality Areas 1 and 4

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