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3   Plan for and implement effective             teaching and learning

3.3   Use teaching strategies

Include a range of teaching strategies.

The classroom is a dynamic environment, with students from different backgrounds with various abilities and personalities. I therefore believe that an effective teacher requires creative and innovative teaching strategies in order to meet students’ needs.  It is important to consider what the children already know and can do and the learning goals for specific situations.  By remaining flexible and observant, I am able to best select which strategy may be most effective for a particular class of children and for particular individuals. 


Four consistent teaching strategies that I implemented over my Phase 2 prac were to set learning intentions for each lesson,  designing success criterias based on expected outcomes, modelling and demonstrating ways to achieve these and provide "Specific Feedback" to the children on their learning and achievment.

EYLF  4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

NQS Quality Areas 1, 3 and 4

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