1 Know students and how they learn
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
In my Phase 2 prac I endeavoured to cater for a wide range of abilities, interests and learning styles within my lesson planning and implementation.
For example:
Abilities- To cater for a wide range of writing abilities, on my Phase 2 prac, I worked with Levelled Writing Groups depending on the children's writing needs. These groups were formed based on the children's Learning Goal made from assessing an initial "Cold Task" at the beginning of my recount writing unit of work. During our writing blocks I was able to target the specific goals in small groups. Once the children proved they had attained their writing goal, they were able to work on another. Thus the groups were flexible.
Interests - To cater for agency, in my Phase 1 prac I noticed that two particular boys liked to kick and throw balls. I included more opportunity for this in the following week's planning for both the outdoor and indoor environments where I prvoded ballons, textured balls, blow up planets, polystyrene balls and soccer balls for them to investigate. Throughtout the week they kicked the balls at targets, threw them into baskets, rolled them down ramps and engaged with them in child led play.
An example of acknowledging the children's sense of agency during my Phase 2 prac, was when I integrated the construction of a particular group of boys into a math lesson where they had to locate cars on their contruction and verbally explain where they were, using positional language.

Larning Syles - To cater for different learning styles (Auditory, Kinesthetic and Visual Learners), at the end of a Mathematics unit of work on positional language, students were given 3 flexible assessments to display their understanding and attainment of the learning intention: a verbal interview where they told me the location of a spiderman character in a range of photos, a kinesthetic game with an older buddy where they got to play Simon Says and tell their partner where to position themselves in our Nature Playground and an auditory assessment where they listened to verbal instructions to stick 8 stickers in various positions on a picture.

EYLF 1.1, 1.2 , 1.3, 1, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, and 5.2
NQS Quality Areas 1 and 3