6 Engage in professional learning
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for teachers.
I believe that Professional Development is about creating a culture of quality and providing feedback & growth for all teachers in all schools to ensure up to date best practice within our Australian Education System.
It is incredibly vital to be constantly reflecting on, and improving in, the profession. Personal research, professional learning and self-development are crucial to effective teaching and best practice. I have a love of learning and am constantly engaging in professional learning to improve my practice. I continually seek to build my teaching knowledge through both formal and informal professional learning situations.
Most recently I atended a two hour P.D. with Doctor Ian Lillico. Ian shared strategies that are working in different parts of the world relating to boys education, covering such topics as special needs, bullying, discipline, relationships, technology and the changing world of work. He provided many practical strategies to use in my classroom to improve boys’ behaviour, academic achievement and participation in school and I was able to implement many the following day!
I also went to his parent workshop at our school and again was enlightened by the topics raised and strategies presented. Many of these are avaialbe on his website that can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
NQS Quality Areas 1