5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.4 Interpret student data
Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.
I possess an ability to interpret student assessment data, to evaluate learning success or failure and modify my teaching practice accordingly. I am proficient at using ICT to gain, collate and analyse student data. I have learned to use Microsoft Excel (examples pictured below) to record grades, manage information, and analyse student assessment data. By collating this information, I am able to view all students in one document, colour code and assess the needs of the class (for example, if every student did poorly on one test, then I revise how I taught this topic and reteach any gaps). During my three years as Assistant Principal at Saint Thomas More Catholic Primary School, I was taught by consultants from C.E.W.A. to clearly interpret and analyse data at both a class and whole school level so that decisions for future learning directions for our school could be made. While ICT can provide teachers with data from student learning and assessment, it is ultimately up to the Leadership Team of a school and the Teachers to make something of that information. Developing a mindset to modify your teaching practice to improve student performance is something each teacher has to do for himself or herself. I possess that skill.

EYLF 4.3
NQS Quality Areas 1 and 4