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7   Engage professionally with                         colleagues, parents/carers and the           community

7.1   Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.

The wellbeing and safety of all students is the highest priority for Catholic schools.  Having been employed by the Catholic Education of Western Australian office for over 25 years, I am totally aware and supportive of the CEWA Code of Ethical Conduct where all that we do in schools is based on Gosepel Values. 

It highlights the expectations for individuals to respect the dignity of and acknowledge the giftedness of each person and to be committed to building positive relationships whilst upholding confidentiality and accountability.   I believe the most imporatant understanding within these is that teachers must set a role model both within the school and within society and that communication with students, colleagues and parents needs to e mutually respectful.

The Code of ethical conduct can be accessed via the following link: 

I have been employed at Our Lady of the Cape Primary School in Dunsborough since 1999.  Our school has a Code of Conduct that I fully understand and am supportive of.  It outlines 12 areas of expected conduct and clearly sets out guidelines for each, that I have ensured I  have upheld, whilst being a member of the teaching staff.  It can be accessed via the following link:  

EYLF  1 and 3

NQS Quality Areas 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7

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