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7   Engage professionally with                         colleagues, parents/carers and the           community

7.4   Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and practice.

I believe it is of  It is of great value to seek and learn from other professionals and community representatives to broaden knowledge and practice. I have questioned and observed other professionals in the field where possible to increase and strengthen my knowledge. in the past, my current school has had netweork days with other primary schools in the South West (The Cape Catholic Netwrok), where we visit other teachers classrooms and have discussions based on best practice.  I am also a member of several Microsoft TEAMS Which allow me to converse with other teachers and consultants from the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia.  This was extrememly beneficial during the COVID closures of schools where I received fantastic professional development opportunities for remote learning.

NQS Quality Areas 1, 4, and 7

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