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6   Engage in professional learning

6.4   Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional learning and the implications for improved student learning.

I believe that teaching qualities and standards will continually improve as a result of Professional Learning which therefore can only have a positive effect for improved student learning. The knowledge of many is greater than the knowledge of one. A compatible functional team will generally produce better results then one individual working in isolation especially in today's world where knowledge and change are greater than ever. 


I attend Professional Learning Communities (P.L.C.) at my current school each fortnight.  We meet as a whole staff or split into early childhood, middle primary, upper primary teams to discuss relevant topics, make decisions on future directions or receive Professional Development opportunites.  

I have recently discovered the "Improving Practice" section of the AITSL and would now like to share with the staff at my school the "High Quality Professional Learning Cycle" to plan our learning for 2021.

This cycle can be viewed at the following link 

NQS Quality Areas 1

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