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2  Know the content and how to teach it

2.4     Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote                     reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.

I believe that Australian early childhood educators have a responsibility to value and promote greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. I was fortunate during my Phase 2 prac that I was teaching in the Pre Primary class during N.A.I.D.O.C. week.    I planned and faciliatated a variety of activities for the children to develop their understanding of, and respect for, Aboriginal history, culture and language in our local area.  We learnt the Wardandi word for hello, "Kaya," and used this each morning in our register greetings.  We completed artwork with our Year 5 buddies; we coloured, cut, painted and scratched lines on a hand to become part of a whole school display to recognise the traditional owners of the land our school lies on.  We learnt about the importance of dance and music to Aboriginal people and watched the movements of a kangaroo and emu to inspire us to dance to the digeridoo.  We played tapping sticks to the Aboriginal Our Father Prayer.  We looked at the Aboriginal flag out the front of our school and talked about its meaning and that our school's location is on Wardandi country.  We made and ate damper and learnt about it's special significance to Aborginal people and how they used local flora to grind up seeds and nuts to put in their damper mixture.  We read aboriginal Dreamtime stories in a story circle.  We listened to the Aboriginal myth, “The Rainbow Serpent” and used lines and patterns to create a serpent of our own.  We painted our serpents and cut them out to hang up in our classroom.  We finally wrote incredible recounts remembering all the fun we had had and what we had learnt about the special Aboriginal culture.  

EYLF  1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.4

NQS Quality Areas 1, 5 and 6

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