2 Know the content and how to teach it
2.2 Content selection and organisation
Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence.
In my Phase 2 Pre Primary Practise I was asked by my mentor teacher to plan a series of lessons with a learning intention of developing the children's recount writing. After referring to planning documents and having gathered a "Cold Task" writing sample from the Pre Primaries (a recount of their holidays), I projected forward a learning sequence. Firstly, I set up a writing provocation table where the children could free write. After viewing their writing samples, I designed a 6 Star Writing Success Criteria of areas in their writing that the children needed to develop. This was referred to constantly throughout the unit. I linked the structure of written recounts to the children's oral news and I put up a display of the expected recount structure for the children and I to refer to throughout the unit . I planned a serries of 10 lessons (1 each day of my prac) based on the Visible Learning Strategy known as "I do, we do, you do." I used model writing sessions for both whole class and small groups based on their learning needs. I facilitated learning experiences such as bush walking, reading their favourite picture books with their older buddy class, bubble blowing and pizza making so that the children had rich opportunities to write about in their recounts. I gave the children feedback on their writing and they each had a goal (from our 6 star writing criteria) to work on in their next piece of writing. If they achieved their goal, they were able to work on another. Modelling and practising these specific goals was the basis of our small group sessions and these remained flexible based on the children's needs. Finally during the tenth lesson, children complete a "Hot Task" and I was able to assess this to measure their individual growth as well as provide me with feedback as to whether my teaching sequence had been successful.... it had!!
EYLF 1.1, 1.2 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
NQS Quality Areas 1, 3 and 4